Publications for Sale
These items are for sale. If ordering, send your check with the order form below.
- An Updated Annotated Bibliography (in hard copy format)

A limited printing of this 112-page book contains primary, secondary and map sources, updated and edited by member Joe Green. There is also a two-page spread of the latest Jed Smith trail map prepared by our Map Committee, and a special report about Jed Smith-related sources in the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives prepared by HBCA Research Consultant Kenton Storey under the direction of lifetime member David Malaher. Milton von Damm coordinated the bibliography project.
Member price: $30 (free shipping); non-member price: $45 (free shipping)
Jedediah Smith Bibliography
Member Price
Jedediah Smith Bibliography
Non-Member Price
These publications are available in Adobe pdf format and are placed on a CD: